I was inspired by this Feng Zhu sketch of the grasshopper. I find it bit mechanical, and I like the form of it. I wanted to go a bit further and to create a very detailed spaceship or more mechanical thing.

So I started modeling it in Sketchup.


Main body

Folding “wings”

Expanding and rotating “leg”

More details on front

Front entrance

Insides, 3 floors

More details on front

Turret on head…

Other “leg”, more details

View from far

Front view

Front “leg” redesing

Cut view

Concept video

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Some renders

But the legs didn’t contrapted as I wanted them.

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About the Author: markoze

I'm an exploring artist, illustrator and creator of digital media (2D graphics, illustrations and 3D designs). I share my works, tutorials, tips, free art, items and tools. I also create websites (and apps) for organizations, communities, groups, people movements, faith organizations and more.
Published On: February 27th, 2017Categories: 3D Models, Models, ProjectsTags: , , ,
Spaceship "Hopper" part 2 (v1.5)
Full website "melskis.lt"

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