Tutorials and Tips
- Categories: DataTables, Tips, WordpressTags: Tables, wordpress0.8 min readViews: 237Published On: February 13th, 2024
Problem: setting table's column width by CSS or by setting options in UI is not very intuitive in the current wpDataTables version. There are some steps to achieve the custom table [read more..]
How to Create Tiled Clones with a "tone" object element Create any shape you would like for tone element - oval, circle or any other. Select shape, goto to in Inkscape [read more..]
- Categories: Inkscape, TutorialTags: gradient, gradients, Inkscape, mesh, vector2 min readViews: 7309Published On: August 14th, 2020
This tutorial is for Inkcape (free vector program www.inkscape.org) This is beginner level tutorial. Tested in version 1.0 Awesome mesh gradients in Inkscape [read more..]
- Categories: Applications, InkscapeTags: Inkscape, keys, shortcode0.4 min readViews: 7188Published On: August 14th, 2017
Another very useful keyboard cheat sheet for Inkscape, to speed up you workflow. Made by Rizky Djati Munggaran. Found on: https://ridjam.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-Advance-Keyboard-Shortcuts-518481672 Update: https://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Inkscape-0-92-Keyboard-Shortcuts-667351975 Official Keys [read more..]
- Categories: BlenderTags: blender, keyboard, keys, shortcuts1 min readViews: 33018Published On: August 10th, 2017
As you know Blender is keyboard heavy application. There's always that shortcut, that I always forgot.. and too many to remember, so some fellows made keyboard cheatsheets, sheets, posters, etc., that [read more..]
- Categories: Applications, TutorialTags: anna, speech platform, text to speech, tts, windows1.7 min readViews: 7308Published On: May 23rd, 2017
Text-to-Speech (TTS) refers to the ability of computers to read text aloud (speech synthesis). A TTS Engine converts written text to a phonemic representation, then converts the phonemic representation to waveforms [read more..]
- Categories: Inkscape, TutorialTags: Inkscape, Offset, path, Sharp, vector2.7 min readViews: 7676Published On: May 10th, 2017
This tutorial is for Inkcape (free vector program www.inkscape.org) This is advanced level tutorial: you need to know what is Inkscape, how to create and manipulate objects, paths, fill and [read more..]