Since I was not happy with the model from part 1 (v 1.0), I planned and redesigned legs, made various adjustments, changes.

I also wanted to improve on front window frame, made some testings with paint-overs.

So I started remodeling it, made some design info schemes, renders.

Standing position.

In liquids.

Various design info schemes.

Some renders

Concept video

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Still will continue to improve top part, redesign wings.

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About the Author: markoze

I'm an exploring artist, illustrator and creator of digital media (2D graphics, illustrations and 3D designs). I share my works, tutorials, tips, free art, items and tools. I also create websites (and apps) for organizations, communities, groups, people movements, faith organizations and more.
Published On: April 6th, 2017Categories: 3D Models, Models, ProjectsTags: , , ,
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