Logo for human resources companymarkoze2017-06-13T10:44:19+00:00 Logo for human resources company LOGO Design
melskis.lt full website developmentmelskis.ltWebsite about prayers, worship, faith and dedication. For Catholics and Christians. https://melskis.lt Made full cycle of website design and developement, except for textual content and photos, which is of public domain. Site is built with WordPress and Avada Theme. Screenshots:
Nebijok vėžiowww.nebijokvezio.ltWebsite about finding meaning in illness, pain, suffering. Spiritual devotion of your pain, cancer. Finding help through people, faith. Stories of people that found peace in Christ, faith. www.nebijokvezio.lt Identity design, content preparation. Made technical design adaptation and preparation, design suggestions, all technical implementation. Screenshots
Gera gimtiwww.geragimti.ltWebsite, dedicated to home birth in Lithuania. www.geragimti.lt Made technical design adaptation and preparation, all technical implementation.